Submissions Documents

Title Addressee Date Action
NZIER report - Meridian Tiwai electricity contract, Comment on Electricity Authority market review Electricity Authority 2021-12-22 Info
Inefficient price discrimination in the wholesale market – Issues and options Electricity Authority 2021-12-22 Info
Energy Resources Aotearoa - The 'waterbed effect' - Attachment Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority 2021-12-10 Info
EECA 2022-23 levy consultation Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority 2021-12-10 Info
Future Security and Resilience, Phase 1 draft report Electricity Authority 2021-12-10 Info
TPM, submission on draft replacement Code Electricity Authority 2021-12-02 Info
EA consultation paper - 2021/22 and 2022/23 levy-funded appropriations Electricity Authority 2021-11-30 Info
Price discovery with 100% renewables - initial MEUG comments Market Development Advisory Group 2021-09-03 Info
Gas Market Settings Investigation Gas Industry Company 2021-06-24 Info
Infrastructure Strategy Consultation Infrastructure Commission 2021-06-24 Info
